Meditation and Me

'I haven't got time to meditate'
'I can’t simply switch my brain off'
'I could be doing 10 other things in the time it would take me to meditate'

These are a few of the reasons why I never really bothered to persevere with any form of mindfulness meditation. I'm a multi-tasker and I like to be productive with my time. If I had any ‘down time’ I would always prefer to read or even sleep rather than try to meditate! However, after listening to a few podcasts from like-minded grounded people talking through how they made meditation work for them, and hearing about the difference it made to their mental health, I thought I'd give it a go…I was happy to realise meditation doesn't have to take place somewhere exotic like Bali, while sitting alongside some monks, or while on a silent retreat etc etc. Actually, my bedroom in Buckhurst Hill is just fine! Phew.

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Stress and Me

It’s nearly four years since I left my job as an Event Manager. A job that I once loved but one that became what I would call ‘stressful’. I think we all know that stress has a negative impact on our physical and mental wellbeing. Being in a constant state of ‘fight or flight' mode’ can exhaust our bodies and also our brain, lead to a build-up in cortisol levels, and also cause excessive strain for our muscles. We all know that massage and reflexology can help with stress, as most of you book with me for this very reason. So I thought I’d just delve a little deeper so that we can all understand the reasons why this is…

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Where We Hold Our Tension and Why

Hunched over a desk all day, commuting in a packed and stressful tube environment, picking up our kids, lifting heavy loads without bending our knees, lack of sleep, exercise injuries and the biggest of all…stress. Do any of these sound familiar?

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World Reflexology Week is here!

This week, all around the world, Reflexologists rejoice and celebrate the wonder of reflexology!
I thought I’d spread the love and share some amazing facts about the benefits of reflexology to show the amazing impact it can have…

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Massage and ME TIME

Self-care and Me: A helpful little guide with a few of my favourite things to help you cling on to some chill time this September…

From incense sticks to listening to James Blake in the bath, here are a few of my current favourite things to help me relax during some snatched moments to myself...hope these are helpful for you too!

M&M x

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Reflexology and Me

I am so excited to say that I am now a fully qualified Reflexology Practitioner offering Reflexology Treatments in Buckhurst Hill and surrounding areas for my wonderful clients!

I started having reflexology treatments when I was pregnant with my son Theo and I couldn’t believe the dreamy, floaty feeling I was left with post-treatment; I just couldn’t wait to book in again! It was the most relaxed I think I had ever felt, and during pregnancy this was no mean feat (pun intended).

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How can massage help people with dementia? A live workshop with Massage and Me

Following the amazingly warm response to my blog about hand massages for people with dementia, the Uttlesford Community Hub Dementia Cafe asked if I would join them at one of their weekly meetings to teach the group some simple hand massage techniques for dementia. I immediately said yes - and following a truly inspiring experience, I wanted to share a bit more about the session and spread the word about how quick it is to learn some simple tips and techniques that will help you deliver a soothing hand massage.

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New Mum: Sore Back? Sore Everything.

If you’re a new mum, are crying out for a post-natal massage, and live in or near Buckhurst Hill then read on…I’ve got your back

Since having Theo I feel that my body has taken a battering! Sound familiar? Let’s try to help each other a little. If anyone else feels the same then I can reassure you about how massage therapy can help, we can help each other through, and share some tips on how to look after ourselves…

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What is Fibromyalgia and how can Massage Therapy help?

Fibromyalgia is a musculoskeletal disorder causing pain and fatigue in the muscles and fibrous tissues all over the body. The pain can vary, from an ache to a burning sensation or even a constant sharp, stabbing pain.

For people living with FMS, there is not yet one clear path of recommended treatment, yet for some massage therapy can be a huge help...

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Thanks for supporting Massage and Me!

A year ago today I quit my job and started the idea for Massage and Me. Thanks for supporting me along the way!

One year later, and things are pretty amazing! Just shows that even a usually risk-averse person can take a leap of faith, let their instincts take over, and end up with a job they love. Thanks for supporting me, Team Massage and Me. Here's how I ended up here...

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KAPOW: The superfood you need in your diets. Blueberries, come on down.

What are superfoods? How many should we eat a day to achieve a better sense of wellbeing? Should we ONLY eat superfoods? Sit down, have a cup of (peppermint) tea and I'll (very briefly) explain all. 

Blueberries: The only armour you need this Monday morning Photo by Joanna Kosinska

Blueberries: The only armour you need this Monday morning
Photo by Joanna Kosinska

According to the NHS, 'superfoods' are foods that can apparently reduce our risk of chronic diseases like heart, disease, stroke and cancer, if eaten alongside a healthy lifestyle. Note that superfoods can reduce our risk, not eliminate. 

Not only are these little blue balls of goodness deliciously yummy, but, according to some nutritionists, if there is one superfood that you should introduce to your diet right now, it's blueberries. Let's not be silly though - having 5 blueberries each day will not make us invincible and fight off all forms of cancer. 


  • Are low in calories

  • Are high in nutrients

  • Contain a high level of antioxidants


When working the busy 9-5 life in London, it's hard to find the time and the money to be uber healthy, do enough exercise and also find time to have a massage. I get that. However, if you can nail at least 2 of these 3 each week then you should pat yourselves on the back. Hard. 

So why not take some small steps this week just try adding some blueberries to your breakfast cereal, or have them for dessert tonight with some yoghurt. Push the boat out.

For me, having a great start to my day, and my working week, makes me feel pretty smug, and ever so slightly less guilty if I have some Ben and Jerry's this evening...or every evening this week. 

Enjoy those blueberries and smash through Monday. Kapow. 

To book in a massage to accompany your blueberry intake, have a look at these massage prices and then book here now!

For recipe ideas, have a look at The Greatest You with Tori's amazing recipe ideas, (scroll to: 'Everything but taste-free pancakes'...YUM)

Why should we drink so much water after a massage?

Ever wondered why your massage therapist insists you drink lots of water after your treatment?

It's not just because drinking water is good practise for general health and wellbeing. It's actually the last important step in ensuring your massage brings you the maximum amount of benefits...

It's recommended we should drink at least 2 litres of water in the 24 hours after our massage Photo by Manki Kim

It's recommended we should drink at least 2 litres of water in the 24 hours after our massage
Photo by Manki Kim

Why is it important to drink water after a massage? 

During your massage, the therapist's movements will work your muscles. These movements encourage fluid to pump out of the soft tissue and out into your circulatory system, finally towards your kidneys. (You're not alone if you need to urinate after your massage). Therefore, we need to replace these fluids to their normal level.


By the time you feel thirsty, your body is already on the way to being dehydrated, and probably has for at least half an hour. Don't wait until you feel thirsty, make a conscious decision to keep drinking water.

Bye bye toxins...

The other important reason why we drink water is to flush out the toxins that have been released by your massage, or 'helping the process of lymphatic drainage'. The more tension that is released during the massage, the more metabolic waste is released into your system. By drinking lots of water, we are helping our kidneys to effectively drain out this 'waste'.

So drink up, and pee out those toxins. Literally pee out your bad vibes. 

Massage deals! Why not book yourself in for a massage and make the most of M&M's current offers.