Meditation and Me

'I haven't got time to meditate'
'I can’t simply switch my brain off'
'I could be doing 10 other things in the time it would take me to meditate'

These are a few of the reasons why I never really bothered to persevere with any form of mindfulness meditation. I'm a multi-tasker and I like to be productive with my time. If I had any ‘down time’ I would always prefer to read or even sleep rather than try to meditate! However, after listening to a few podcasts from like-minded grounded people talking through how they made meditation work for them, and hearing about the difference it made to their mental health, I thought I'd give it a go…I was happy to realise meditation doesn't have to take place somewhere exotic like Bali, while sitting alongside some monks, or while on a silent retreat etc etc. Actually, my bedroom in Buckhurst Hill is just fine! Phew.

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Where We Hold Our Tension and Why

Hunched over a desk all day, commuting in a packed and stressful tube environment, picking up our kids, lifting heavy loads without bending our knees, lack of sleep, exercise injuries and the biggest of all…stress. Do any of these sound familiar?

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How can massage help people with dementia? A live workshop with Massage and Me

Following the amazingly warm response to my blog about hand massages for people with dementia, the Uttlesford Community Hub Dementia Cafe asked if I would join them at one of their weekly meetings to teach the group some simple hand massage techniques for dementia. I immediately said yes - and following a truly inspiring experience, I wanted to share a bit more about the session and spread the word about how quick it is to learn some simple tips and techniques that will help you deliver a soothing hand massage.

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